UniTOC Online TOC Analyser

  • Online TOC control sensor for pure water systems using high efficient „direct surface“ oxidation with inline conductivity measurement.

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UniTOC Online TOC Analyser

Brand: Membrapure – Germany



Total organic carbon (TOC) is the amount of carbon found in an organic compound and is often used as a non-specific indicator of water quality or cleanliness of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment.

TOC analysis of Ultra Pure Water in pharmaceutical industry and power plants as well as waste water from production sides – we provide the appropriate instrument for the determination of your TOC.
Both units use UV radiation as oxidation  method. The miniTOC instrument uses conductivity measurement. In the uniTOC NDIR detection is used for TOC determination. Both detection methods have their respective advantages. The miniTOC is more convenient for pure and ultrapure water (conductivity>2µS/cm), while the uniTOC unit offers a wider application spectrum.

UniTOC Online TOC Analyser

  • UniTOC-systems – the precise high definition instruments for the online determination of TOC from drinking water to ultra pure water.
  • Two innovative instrument lines uniTOC- online and uniTOC-lab combine graphical control and data management with the modular concept of analytical components
  • The systems fulfill all international standards for the determination of TOC and they are designed for monitoring i.e. process water in the pharmaceutical industry, microlelectronics, chemistry and the production of potable water or ultra pure water.
  • MembraPure provides with the uniTOC-analyzers the perfect instruments to meet the demands of the existing regulations.

UniTOC instruments – the principle of operation

  • Both instruments use the UV/persulfate oxidation procedure followed by NDIR measurement.
  • The typical application fileds of the uniTOC systems allow the dosage of larger volumes of sample. This guarantees a high reproducibility as well as a high sensitivity. During standard operation, the on-line measurements have short measuring times followed by the continous self-cleaning procedure of the reactor avoiding any cross-contaminations. The quality of the sparging gas can be low. Therefore the use of pressurized air is standard.
  • The non-dispersive infrared detektor system is absolutely selective to carbon dioxide and therefore independent of the sample matrix. The setup of the instruments allow the determination of totel inorganic carbon (TIC) and the total organic carbon (TOC) content from the same sample. This measurements are independent of the sample temperature

UniTOC Spec

UniTOC- Instrument set-up

  • All fluidic lines of the instruments are fabricated by materials of highest purity like PEEK, PFA or PTFE with allmost no dead volumes.
  • Dosage of samples is accomplished by a corrosion free peristaltic pump.
  • UV radiation is generated by a high energy, low pressure UV lamp, which guarantees a lifespan longer than 12 months
  • The CO2 concentration is measured with a NDIR detector system.
  • An internal PC with touch screen operation controls and registers all instrument parameters.
  • Data exchange is achieved by USB interface or Net work for digital and analog datas.

Monitoring extreme low TOC concentrations

  • The models uniTOC-online and uniTOC-process are concipated for pure and ultra pure water monitoring in industrial and pharmaceutical applications.
  • The figures show the results of online-measurements of pure water with TOC concentrations in the lowest range.
  • Conditions: CO2 -selective NDIR-detection after UV-oxidation carrier gas: CO2 -free conpressed air online-measurement of pure water

System Suitability Test – SST

  • The verification of the TOC results according to international standards requires the frequent performance of so called System Suitability Tests to verify the capacity of the system.
  • System Suitability refers to the oxidation efficiency (“response efficiency”) of a hard to oxidize substance (benzoquinones) compared to an easily oxidizable substance (sucrose), each in a concentration of 500 ppb.
  • According to requirements of USP and Ph.Eur the ratio of the results of both substances must be within a range of 85 % to 115 %.

UniTOC Analyser


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