Eval Pro Probe SSA-TS Thermocouple Sensor

  • The SSA-TS type T thermocouple sensor has a temperature range of -20 to +135 °C, with an unmatched accuracy of < 0.2 °C (calibrated ± 0.05 °C), and a USB plug that saves calibration constants.
  • The SSA-TS thermocouple sensor is especially ideal for food applications involving retort sterilization and pasteurization. The SSA-TS functions with the Thermal Validation System E-Val™ Pro.

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Eval Pro Probe SSA-TS Thermocouple Sensor

Type: SSA-TS type T

Ellab – Denmark

Ellab thermocouple sensors for thermal validation, are made with superior quality materials that allows for high accuracy, stable measuring, and fast response times.

Measuring point 4 mm from tip


The SSA-TS type T thermocouple sensor has a temperature range of -20 to +135 °C, with an unmatched accuracy of < 0.2 °C (calibrated ± 0.05 °C), and a USB plug that saves calibration constants. The SSA-TS thermocouple sensor is especially ideal for food applications involving retort sterilization and pasteurization. The SSA-TS functions with the Thermal Validation System E-Val™ Pro.


E-val Pro System

Ellab’s Wired Thermocouple System
The E-Val™ Pro wired thermocouple system is immensely easy to handle within controlled environments due to its compact size and light weight. The thermocouple system complies with FDA regulations as well and GAMP guidelines and is designed to be the ideal solution for any thermal validation process.
The secure and password protected module can handle up to 40 thermocouples and the large internal memory is capable of holding up to 10 studies at a time. The wired thermocouple system has a built-in 8-hour battery and can be used as a stand-alone unit or be connected to a PC via LAN/USB.
The E-Val Pro is equipped with interchangeable sensor arrays, which can easily be removed for service and calibration. With 4 and 12-channel arrays available, the E-Val Pro can handle all thermocouple types as well as analog and digital inputs.





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